I am new here and honestly haven't had time to post anything other than questions regarding the newer trucks and their transmission issues since I need to replace my 2003 H.O. 6-speed.

I have a bit of time today, so I thought I would give a shout-out to Cummins!!

This is why I would never buy a Ford or Chevy diesel truck.

So the only persons who serviced my truck were my dad's buddy (mechanic at local Dodge) and my buddy.

Roll back to when the truck was pretty new, with approximately 40,000 miles on it, and it developed a fuel leak at the CP3.

I took it to the dealership, and they replaced the CP3, I assumed my dad's buddy did the work, but I don't believe he did because it's not his way; he's too much like my dad and doesn't do half-*** work.

Anyway, at about 70K, I was coming home from a trip to my friends in TN, and right after I got up to highway speed, it had what I would call a backfire, blew black smoke and stuttered, but kept on going and ran fine the whole 450-mile trip home.

Once I got home, I called my buddy. He said the same thing my dad said, that it could have been an injector or something in the fuel since it never missed a beat, hindsight I should have taken it to the dealer, but then again, I doubt they would have done anything other than give methree3 cans of cleaner and said run it hard.

At about 180K, I took it to my brother in laws friend, who had just opened his shop, and I didn't have time to do the work myself, which was to fix the front crank seal that started leaking.

I dropped it off, and the next day, I was leaving work, and he called and said to stop by on my way home; I need to show you something.

Right then, I thought, great, this is just my luck!!

So I stopped by and walked into the garage to see what he found; the front of my engine was still apart, and he said see anything?

I didn't know at first until he pointed to the tooth missing off the CP3 gear and a corresponding one off the cam gear; not only that but the oil pump gears were a bit skewed, which explained the "whine" that developed after the backfire but only when it was cold outside.

I asked him about fixing i,t and he shrugged his shoulders and threw $10,000 to remove the motor and rebuild.

Hence I never took it back to him for anything because I found a recipe online to repair it just by heating a new cam gear and pressing it on.

Then I figured, you know what?

It's been running fine for almost 150K, and it's got nearly 200K on it plus, the frame had started to rust from the inside out.

Now I will probably jinx myself, but I am at 270K, and she's still running fine, and I still get 23-24 mpg highway.

So my hat's off to Cummins!