Quote Originally Posted by Dude's Diesel Performance View Post
Thank you so much for the support and the review!!! It's customers like y'all that allow us to do what we love to do. We live to serve y'all because y'all are so good to us.

I apologize that this took awhile to post. The public Wi-Fi we were using finally lost power so we had to head back to our fifth wheel. Phone service isn't the greatest here so we are doing what we can to keep up and to keep posting.

We truly truly appreciate all of the love we have received from everyone. Thank you for the amazing reviews.

Quick update while we still can.

We picked up and left columbus to head more north to get away from the 25+ inch rain and headed to a place called Georgetown. It's a little more north of Austin. They only suspect around 10-15 Inches of rain. Took us almost 3 hours to get here but we are hunkered down and safe for now. Wind is gusting pretty heavily and the power keeps flickering on and off but all is well.

Will do our best to keep everyone updated!

Thank you all again and God bless!

Dude's Diesel Performance, LLC
Clayton & Jordan
Columbus, TX
Prayers go out for ya Brother!

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