The I.G.O.T.A. Toy Drive! Christmas 2012.

Well boys & girls its that time of the year again to help kids who don't have any toys for Christmas! My list this year is pretty big, and I'm going to need all the help I can get! This is something I do every year and this year since we added the Cummins community I would like to help as many kids out as I can this year have a great Christmas.

First I'm not asking that anyone does this. Nor would I think less of you if you can't give. If you want to give then great! It's just that I love helping kids, and God always puts this on my heart to make sure kids that have nothing get something to open on Christmas morning.

If you can send something please send money as a donation to I will list your name underneath just so I can keep track of the funds. You can also go to the front page of our site and on the right hand side below the classifieds section you'll see a donation widget. Every little bit helps. I will be taking donations till 12-15-2012. I will keep this post updated for everyone as money comes in.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this, and helping I.G.O.T.A. make Christmas an awesome day for needy kids!

List Date: 12/7/2012

For more info, check out this listing in the IGOTACUMMINS marketplace: The I.G.O.T.A. Toy Drive! Christmas 2012.
On Sale For: $100 + $0 Shipping
