Sorry I didn't get pictures, but, I worked in an oil refinery for over 3 decades that had cranes with a reach to install equipment 240' in the air to 'lil mini cranes on 4 wheels for light jobs, pickups, welding trucks, diesel rigs, suction trucks, bundle transports, generators, ... name it they had it.

All except the little company vehicles (30) for the office people that were gassers ... plus one electric car they bought for upper management as a tester, (what an embarrassment). And after 8 years only had 2,000 miles and was sold
In fact, we only had one gas pump for the tiny company gassers .. and .. what we called pump roll (9) for filling the real work horses ... our working machines. (and the fuel trucks that had to fill the vehicle on site that couldn't go in every time they needed fuel)

Ahhhh the smell of diesel soot in the air in the early mornings light when warming up .......