As soon as anyone says MPG they think of me. I'm the MPG hound and agree with you.

I assume your complaint is you lost 10 Mpg. Yeah I'd be complaining too. What's the difference in the rear ratios and did you go from a 2WD to a 4WD?

At 330K Kil, they may just need a good cleaning. Try throwing a couple of cans of Sea Foam in the tank and see if it improves. I have a similar prob on my 03 and tried a fuel additive made by Archoil. (There's a thread on it running) Cleared up everything instantly. People are skeptical, don't blame them. But I have to say my problem just disappeared in like 10 minutes. Like a magic wand.

Injectors are cheap for those old 12 valves and allot less problematic. But for the price, the sea foam is a cheap try and the archoil might work for you, and it might not. I was impressed with it