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Thread: WTB: 2019-2021 RAM 4384696 ECM

  1. Top Of Page | #1
    kors's Avatar

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    WTB: 2019-2021 RAM 4384696 ECM

    Hey all, I had a local guy with a 4384696 that flaked out on me, so I'm now looking to score one.

    Looking at eBay, it seems the supply has mostly dried up.

    I remember back in the summer, there were multiples selling for around $1000- now it looks like they're going for over $2k!

    I see there's a place called that lists them.

    Does anyone know if they're legit?

    I also see them on ali-express and Alibaba, but I don't want to support Chinese companies.

    Thanks for any advice!

  2. Thanks IGOTACUMMINS, AK Bob, watersupply189, Corkey thanked for this post
  3. Top Of Page | #2
    kors's Avatar

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    Re: WTB: 2019-2021 RAM 4384696 ECM

    I just got one!


  4. Thanks watersupply189, AK Bob, Corkey thanked for this post
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