The title is a bit leading, but I am coming from an International 6.4L were leaving the emissions intact is a death sentence for the engine.

My question is this; for our 6.7L engines (mine is 2014), does the emissions system cause actual harm to the engine, leading to catastrophic failure, or is it mainly a nuisance and maintenance/money issue?

Obviously, it is robbing power and fuel economy, but will leaving the emissions intact for too long result in a dead engine?

On the International 6.4L, the Regen cycle involves fuel injected during the exhaust stroke into the number 8 (or 8 and 7?) cylinders to be burned up in the DPF during Regen.

I saw that the Cummins 6.7L is also injecting fuel into the cylinders during Regen, which leads me to believe that the same issue that destroys the International would likely destroy the Cummins as well.

I have 83k miles on the clock of my new truck, and I would hate to let the EPA cost me an engine if these are prone to emissions-related death!
