Just getting started to begin my clutch journey on my '13 2500.

I unfortunately do not have a lift; so will be doing this in my driveway over the course of X days.

Figured I'd start a thread to capture the herd knowledge here. A few quick questions:

1 - Is it necessary to divorce the transfer case from the transmission? I figure the less I take apart; the less I need to put back together. I don't see any leaks where the two join, so potentially see no need to divorce. Granted, I know that now I'm looking at a 400lbs monster; bringing me to point.
2 - Jack. I found this nifty looking device, thinking it could be a savior: Pricey no doubt; but less than 1/2 the cost of having a shop install the clutch.
3 - What else should be replaced/looked at 'while you're there'. Obviously the rear main - but what else?
