Go ahead, watch the news.

Biblical prophecy unfolding before your very eyes.

Trust me when I tell you, I'm no holy-roller. Not even close. There is no reserve seat for me on the Rapture bus.

None-the-less only a complete fool couldn't see whats unfolding here.

While the onslaught of Dem/BLM/Antifa activities upset me, I do believe they have little choice in their actions.

There will be many that bow to false Gods.

If you are on the'right' side of the equation be thankful, be forgiving, and understand that many of them truly can not 'see' the big picture.

As 'He' said; whats wrong will become right and what you know is right will become wrong, [and you will be hated because of your faith in me].

So yeah, here we go. . .

It took 2000+ years but now, finally, its time to crack a beer and watch the show!
