So I found this site by Googling Diesel Forum, and I looked around and signed up and got the email, "You'll be deleted in 30 minutes if you are not a paid member."![]()
I freaked out and was mad, as this was the first time I had experienced this.
Having to pay for a site, but then I found the page that explained why.![]()
I couldn't agree more!![]()
I will be purchasing a LPM on Thursday when the check clears.
I am more than happy to support anyone who will not back down.
Anyone willing to stand in the way!
Maybe we can even get a group to write to congress saying these guys are out of bounds.
They consider one letter or phone call equivalent to 500-1000 people.
14+ letters would make them think it's beyond 14000+ people with the same sentiment.
We get thousands of members here to join, and we could save the industry overnight.
We need to hold our representatives accountable!
It was less than 12% of the nation who overturned the prohibition.
We don't need half the country; we need a few hundred people who love their freedom and are willing to understand that only congress can make laws.
Congress does not approve these rules from the epa, and that is the simple way to defeat them, but No lawyer Will say that because it is quick, and they make no money off quick cases. (what did the lawyers profit from the diesel brothers case?)
Politics Suck, but IMHO!
I feel like the average family hasn't paid any attention, and it leads us here, but you can't ignore politics, They will not ignore you!
As we can see from the past three years, high gas prices.
High food prices and savings dried up.
When 4-7 years ago it was phenomenal. People were stocking money into their savings and passing it on to me, and My business was thriving; in 2022, I had to shut down because nobody could afford nice hardwood flooring anymore.
I wasn't aimed at high-end homes as I was priced for the average homeowner.
45,000-100,000k/year flooring that costs under $20,000 for the first floor, stairs, and upstairs.
When those families can't afford flooring, the economy is terrible.
I say all that to say we need to gain control back, and we can, but we need to start holding them to their oaths; their oaths stop them, but only if we bring up our issues to them because they are already in meetings for other things.
Most of them golf, smoke cigars, and have cocaine parties. So they definitely are not in their garage working on their own car.
We must put the pressure on them, but if the state reps knew their constituents were under attack like that.
I have money on most of them and the response from Harriet Hageman of Wyoming.
She calls them before her committee asks WTF and calls them tyrants. Rightfully so!
At this point only a few people brought these issues up already. But if we can increase the amount of letters we will get their attention.
Now when I mention this to others I get eye rolls because lawyers have persuaded/lied about the process, and have cut the connection between us and our representatives and led us to believe the only way is through the courts, well that's not how this country was founded nor was it meant to be complicated but man.
We need to fix this!
Part of our duty as citizens of this great nation, is that we must educate the representatives time to time. It's when you geta pelosi type that ignore everything. That's when we water the tree, but we still have good representatives that will take action.
I'm new to the site and not sure how this site is; you hate big government, as do I.
As a constitutionalist, that's my extensive introduction here, but it's the ticket to get us out of the current mess.
I mean every time we go through court, they rule in favor of the government because of cleverly confusing laws and intelligent people who can argue better than others. But if we go straight to the source, our representatives, we save as ton of money from court and lawyers fees and direct communication.
I work full-time, attend car meets, build cars in my garage at night, metal fab, paint, work on friends' cars, and stay in the loop with politics.
I'm going to stop here to see how the responses go.
I'm used to having people, oh crap, on me for going against what society thinks is normal because someone explained the rules to them instead of them reading the rules for themselves.
Not a sovereign citizenso can we skip that argument? (
Hopefully, the attached picture shows up.
I have to find the article from which it came.
Still, text from section 3 says the people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, To instruct their representatives, And to petition the government for redress of grievances.
We, the people, to instruct.
Not some lawyer.
Who will hide the law?