Ok. I am new to all this MM3 relearn stuff. I am in need of help if anyone out there could help.
Q1: Once my Files are downloaded do I not run tunes and leave as is? I have heard that it if I switch from a light to to heavy tune or even a Sports/Economy tune it confuses the TCM?
Q2: What do I need to do? What are the Steps I need to take for the TCM to Learn the Shift patterns in my truck.
Reason: I am getting alot of shift flare from 3rd to 4th Gear and continues to happen once 4th is locked then goes away when I hit the Throttle? I am searching these websites and cannot fine anything. I ran into a BD Diesel Video on how they perform the relearn process when they install their Transmission. And was scratching my head asking myself if this is what I need to do. I have ran the tunes for 700+ miles and still has not changed. If anyone out there has ran into my same issue or something similar I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. The tunes I have were made by Calibrated Power Solutions and is a emissions tune. Please Help!! I am pulling my hair out and my truck went from fun to drive to what the heck not so fun. Sucks cause I love my RAM and I want her back with some ponies. Thank you!!

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